Friday, July 31, 2015


                     THE SUMMER

                               BY: RAHUL SHRIWASTAV

                                      This story is the work of fiction and imagination and if it matches with any one life’s then it’s purely co-incidental.

I would like to thanks all the readers and viewers of this story and your any suggestion and advice will be warmly welcome.

This story is based on the love story of Rahul and Trisha and How summers brought up and downs in their life. This story incident is based on Goa, India. Rahul is the student of Engineering.

It was 2010-4-11 means it was April and we all know in April it’s too hot.
Just after finishing the classes, we classmates had the meeting and we decided to play the cricket on Saturday. Because it was too hot we decided to play from early Morning. Next day we group of friends gathered together and we played from 6 am to 11 am. We were so much involved in the game so that we don’t care about the Lunch even for a breakfast. After 11 am, we were interested to play further but it is said that when u r hungry you don’t like to do anything even if u are interested. Instead of going Home we decided to take the lunch or breakfast from Hotel and after that we will resume our game. We went for searching a good hotel but unfortunately there was a no hotel nearby. After searching for around 30 min we finally saw a hotel as we were hungry we didn’t care about what type of Hotel it was and we went inside.

We took the sit and order our lunch. I preferred to drink water first and we ordered  cold  water, I was just to drink the water some Light from somewhere twinkles into my eyes and I blinks and a result I was unable to drink water. I got annoyed and looks from where the light was coming, I saw an Ear ring which was shining like a star. I was not able to see her face because she sat on the opposite direction of mine. She was with her friends. I wanted to see her face but don’t have any idea how.  I told my friend that I want to see her face, one of mine friends called the girls and asked for a water even though we have water. She turn backs and passed us water, when she turns back I was like dreaming.  A perfect Girl of 5.6”-5.8” tall with amazing body and I didn’t had a words to explain her beauty. Her face was glowing and the Light pink Lip Gloss which was shining made her face even more beautiful. I was like dreaming and thinking “How beautiful can some on be” but suddenly waiter came with our order and he distracted me. She was about to leave as they had finished their lunch/breakfast. She went to pay the bill and while she was crossing us, I called her: Hello and she said yes. Please can you pass me the salt pot which was on next table and she was near to it. ‘Oh sure’ she said and she handed us the pot. I said thanks and she replied Pleasure of mine and she leave from there. I told my friends that I liked that girl very much and those bastard replied we too like that girl and they laughed. But it irritated me and I told shut up, I think I love her. One of them reply “LOL u saw her first time, you even don’t know her name and address and u loved her? It’s called attraction dude not love”. “Whether it is attraction or love I don’t care and haven’t you idiot heard about Love at first Sight. Now finish the lunch and let’s go”. I replied. We finished the lunch and we went back to ground to resume our Game.

 But now I don’t had the interest in the game and I was thinking “Is it destiny that we went in same hotel where she already have been, the light from her ear rings falls on me, Is She the girl I was waiting for her”.
 I was so much involve on the imagination that I don’t care the ball which   just passes from my side and I was scolded by my mates. I didn’t have interest further in playing and I made excuse by saying urgent call come from my Home and I have to go and I left from there. When I returned home it was around 3 pm and after that every time I kept on thinking about her. My sister even asked me several time “Where are you lost bro, am observing from u evening that u are thinking something”. I shouted on her “it’s none of your business, just go from here”. She went away from there being angry but later I realized that y the hell I shouted on her it’s not her fault. I apologized to her and told her everything.  If you want any favor from me then don’t hesitate: She said. Sure I will by saying this I went from there.
 Whole night I could not sleep because of her imagination and later I decided, if god has sent her for me then God might have planned something special for us.  Nearly 15 days went and I didn’t find any clue of her and became hopeless. 
On the very Next day there was strike of public vehicles and my college was far away from my home. My dad dropped me college on his bike but while returning from college, it was too hot and temperature was intolerable and I thought How to return Home as in this sunny Weather it is not possible to reach home by walking around 2 km. So, I thought better to stay on the bus stop and will asked lift is some known person passes nearby. I kept on waiting but for 1 hour no vehicles came and suddenly I saw a scooty coming and I decided that I will ask lift from he. I stopped her and asked for lift but her root was opposite of mine when I said her that I was feeling likely to be hit by sun stroke then She agreed to give me a lift and while driving  I asked from where r u coming . “From college” she replied.
In which college and which level do u study? I asked.
MBBS 1st year from ST. Memorial College. She replied.
I asked her name and she said “Trisha Adhikari” and she asked my introduction too. She dropped me to my home and I said thank you and the reply was “Pleasure of mine” and she went away. Hearing this word, hotel incidence came on my mind as that girl replied me same way when I said thank you.
Now only thing came on my mind “Is she the same girl, I met on hotel”.
Very next day instead of going to  my colleges I went her just to confirm my doubt whether the both girls are same or not. I waited outside her college from 9 am to 4 pm. Now the classes was over and student was coming out of the college and then I saw something which was shining and from the shining I knew that it’s she. Guess I didn’t have limit of excitement, I Was damn happy. She came out of college and I tried to act that I was just passing from there and wanted to realize her that we met accidentally. I went few yards back and started walking like that I care nothing and m busy on myself. When I came across her, she recognized me and called me “Rahul”.  I heard that but I ignored her and she shouted once again “Hey Rahul” and I turned back and acted like I didn’t know who called me. 

She raises her hand and said “Hi“. I replied her with Hi and went near her. She said “remembered me?”
Sorry I didn’t recognized u and how do u know my name?
She replied “Am Trisha”.  “Who Trisha?” I asked her unknowingly.
“I gave you lift yesterday”. She replied.
Oh sorry! I didn’t recognized u, you wore helmet yesterday. I replied (I was just acting, she didn’t know)
 No problem and what are u doing here? She said.
(Can’t say I just came to confirm you whether you are the girl whom I met on hotel that day).
“I came to meet my friends and m going to have some breakfast as m hungry now” I said.
And would you mind joining me.
“Ok” she said and we went to have breakfast.
We went inside  café and we order some snacks and we started talking and she asked “can we be friend”?
I was waiting for this moment and I was not fool to say no.
‘‘Yes why not?” I replied.
We finished our snacks and she offer me to drop me. How can I reject her? She dropped me and asked me to exchange the numbers and we did. She used to stay with her friend as paying guests. We meet almost every day and soon after we became best friend. 

But I wanted this relationship to go further but I was scared to move ahead. One Evening after she return from her college she called me and asked me are u free , if yes then I will be waiting for u outside your  college gate. I said ok and after 15 min she arrived and called me asked me to come out of the college. I came out.
She: Hi!
Me: Hi! What’s up? Anything Important?
She: If u free can we go for a walk?
Me: OK, Let’s go.
                             We went for walk around “Sent Luis Garden” famous garden of the city. We started walking and we were discussing in random topic accidentally my wrist touches her wrist and I thought she might get angry, so I urgently removed my hand from there and said sorry. She said no problem and holds my hand and I thought its right time to propose her and I said “Trisha”.
“Yes” she replied.
I LOVE YOU” I said.
She Left my hand went couples of inches away from me and said” Please Rahul, You are good friend of mine and I Have always seen you as my good friend. Please don’t say this again”.
“Sorry, I just expressed my feeling. I fell in love with you the day when I saw you in Hotel am very sorry if u got hurt.” I said.
She: Hotel? What r u talking about?
“Yes Hotel, I think you don’t remember. Ok let’s forget and am sorry”. I said.
She: It’s ok.
                               Suddenly, it started to rain and we both got wet and we ran under the tree to save us from ran. We both were wet and she look amazingly glamorous while being wet. I was staring her and she caught me staring and our eye contacted each other and I move closer to her and lean slightly to kiss her lip but she moved away and said we must go now as rain has stopped. We moved from there and we went our home. I was feeling guilty that what she thinks about me, will she be angry with me and won’t contact me again?

But the very next morning what happen surprised me a lot, I saw her outside my college gate waiting for me. I came downstairs and she said “Let’s go for a lunch” and we went for a lunch. Our meeting process continues further and suddenly on day  evening she called me and said “I want to meet you It’s very urgent”. I went to meet her, she was looking depress and very sad. When she saw me she started crying. I asked her what happen and y she is crying she didn’t reply and hugged me and kept crying. I was many time buts she didn’t reply. I told her to look her on my eyes and tell me what happened. She looked on my eyes and instead of saying anything she kissed me. I was shock and amazed what has actually happen but she continues kissing me after few minutes. I asked “What’s the matter but she didn’t answer me and after few second, she said “Matter is a something that occupy space and have some weight and laughed”. I laughed too. After chatting for a minute she said” OK bye good night see u tomorrow”. I too bid good bye and went from there and I was happy that finally she accepted my love.

On the next day I waited for her to come outside my college but she didn’t. On next day too she didn’t come, I tried her phone but it was coming off. Next day I went her college and waited whole day but she was not there and then I asked with her friend about her then they replied “She is not coming college from last 3 days”.  Almost 10 days Past and nor she came or neither I was able to contact her. Then after few days I got a called from unknown number and I thought it was her but when I received the phone:
Me: Hello!
She: Hello! Am I talking to Mr. Rahul?
Me: yes, by the who r u?
She: Am Riya, Trisha room mat and I have got something for you.
Me: Please first say me where is Trisha?
She: I have a thing which will answer your every Question. Can you come to meet me at my college Gate?
Me: OK! Am coming.
                                         I went there and met Riya and she gave me a letter and said your every answer is inside this letter.
I came home and started reading the letter,
Dear Rahul,
                       I wanted you to be calm while reading this letter and if possible calm afterwards too. I am writing this letter to tell you something important that I am living this city.
 When you will be reading this letter, I might be not in this world (alive) because am suffering from Brain tumor and for treatment I have come to USA. There is only 1% chance of my survival. If I survived it will take much time  to be back in Normal condition . This is the reason why I rejected your proposal even though I love u a lot. You are very sweet guy and you can get a better girl than me. The time I spent with you was a best moment of my life and will be alive with me till I am alive. I am sorry I didn’t wanted to give you happiness for very short time that’s why I rejected your love. It’s my last desire that I wanted you to settle down and be happy forever and promise you won’t roll a drop of tears for me.
At last I want to say I love you Mister. Good Bye
 Take care

Tears came to roll continuously from my eyes. My eyes welled up. I struggled to stand and letters fell down from my eyes and I was thinking how my life changes in last few minutes.

I started to live lonely life , I didn’t prefer to talk with anyone and seeing my condition my friends asked with me what happen y are u living so lonely life .But I didn’t prefer to give them answer and I still have believe somewhere that she is alive and she will return back for me. Almost a year had past but I still believe she will be alieve somewhere and she might be thinking of me. My friends forced me to tell the reason of my loneliness and I told them everything. They tried to console me and said that she might have been dead because there is no chance to survive in brain tumor but I told them that she will return one day. They said we will pray with god for you that Trisha returns for you.
Exactly it was 11 April, two years ago I met Trisha on this day and Almost 1 years ago she left me. So, this summer always play big role in my life and I was wondering this year how summer Going to affect my Life.
Very Next day means 12th of April I was at standing in Balcony of my college and I Saw some light shining from somewhere and it was from a girl ear ring and for a moment I thought that it is Trisha but then again I thought it might be someone else and the after few second I saw a pink Glossy Lip and when I saw a full face I Was like dreaming once Again. It was Trisha and I can’t express my feeling. 
I ran towards the college gate. We both had an eye contact she hugged me and started crying and said sorry. “Not a single word, yo
u don’t know what I have faced for last 1 year” I said.
“I defeated death only for you.  Please forgive me “she begged.
First you promise you won’t leave me again and she said promise I won’t. 
She continued her study and I was in final year of Engineering. I told her that let’s get marry and we spoke with our family firstly they insist but later they agreed to tie us on a relationship after knowing about our relationship. After 1 years I completed my engineering then we got marriage under one condition that she will keep studying.

This is how summer Brings up and downs in my life, finally it gave me a biggest happiness of my life. Thank you “summer”



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